In addition to standard visibility, partners can opt for “above-standard visibility” under SF section 9.2. The purpose of such more elaborate communication actions is to raise awareness of humanitarian issues particularly among defined audiences in the EU Member States and to showcase the tangible results of EU-funded humanitarian aid.
Above-standard visibility could for example include:
- audio-visual productions (including social media versions),
- journalist-visits to project sites,
- billboard campaigns in the EU,
- exhibitions or other types of events with an important outreach to the European public and media.
Larger actions may also entail joint dissemination at key points of the action.
For above-standard actions, ECHO can provide budget exceeding the standard 0.5% of the direct eligible costs. To this end, a separate communication plan, including a budget with breakdown of main activities, must be submitted and approved by ECHO prior to the signing of the contract. The plan must be inserted as an annex in the Single Form.
The proposed communication plan will be first discussed with the Regional Information Officer of ECHO (RIO) covering the region and finally evaluated by ECHO’s Communication Unit (ECHO.D2), including as regards the feasibility and estimated impact/outreach of the action.
During the implementation of above-standard actions, regular contact should take place between ECHO and the partner at the partner’s initiative to ensure mutual benefit and maximum impact.
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