Credit: ©European Union 2018-photo by Pierre Prakash

The implementation of standard visibility at field level as well as communication actions targeting European audiences involves the mandatory and prominent display of the European Union emblem with the below accompanying text (as relevant in conjunction with the Partner’s own logo):
The concrete implementation should be adapted to the specific circumstances on the project site and the nature of the items funded. Adjusted versions with the same logo and accompanying text are also admissible:

In the field, this logo must be applied on items such as:
- Stickers, signboards, display panels, banners and plaques
- Supplies and equipment (such as vehicles, food sacks, water tanks, containers, tents, plastic sheeting, individual packaging used for foodstuffs or NFIs)
- Clothing items such as T-shirts and caps worn by project staff (if produced with EU funding)
- Operational publications and materials such as training manuals, notebooks and posters
For signboards and similar, the visual identity should be presented so as to clearly explain the EU’s role as a donor. In that respect, the visual part should be accompanied by a short explanatory text or a relevant joint message on the project.
The EU emblem with accompanying text must also be applied when producing visibility and communications material for dissemination beyond the beneficiary country, including for example:
- websites
- videos
- social media post
- posters and other campaign material
- publications (excluding training manuals and similar operational material)