The Partner shall present a request for the payment of the balance within the deadline established in the Specific Grant Agreement.
The payment request shall include
Partner’s identification,
the amount in euro (Partners with accounts in a currency other than the euro shall convert the costs incurred into euro using the applicable exchange rate) and
the date.
The template for the final payment request is available in the English and French version at the bottom of the page and in APPEL, section Downloads.
The payment request shall be accompanied by a declaration stating as follows:
I, hereby, declare that the information provided in the request for payment is full, reliable and true. I also certify that the costs incurred can be considered eligible in accordance with the Specific Grant Agreement referred above and that the request for payment is substantiated by adequate supporting documents that can be produced in the context of the checks or audits provided for in Article 23 of the General Conditions. I also certify that all the receipts referred to in Article 18(9) of the General conditions have been declared.
The request will be signed by the legal representative of the organisation entitled to sign the agreement. The partner will then attach the signed request as an annex of the Final Report in APPEL. Any error detected in the payment request will trigger the rejection of the request
When submitting the final payment request and the declaration confirming that the information provided in the request for payment is full, reliable and true, the organisation shall ensure that the sender has the ability to legally commit the organisation.