All the submitted proposals should respect the following minimum standards:
a) Actions shall be properly prepared, with a clear and verifiable objective, which must be achieved within a given period. The results to be obtained shall be described through specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound indicators, using standard sectoral key results indicators to the largest extent possible.
b) The Partner shall implement actions in accordance with the Union policy approach in support of humanitarian actions, including the Commission’s sectoral and thematic standards and guidelines.
The Partner shall also observe the highest ethical standards, the best practices in the sector and the specific operating environment.
c) Actions shall be culturally appropriate and adequate for the specific needs of different groups of affected persons (notably women, girls, boys, men, older persons, persons with disabilities) and they shall comply with applicable international law, Union law, the law of the Humanitarian Organisation’s country of registration and national legislation of the country where they are implemented.
d) Priority shall be given to the analysis of the beneficiaries' situation within the circumstances and context of intervention, including assessments of the different needs, capacities, and roles that might exist for men and women of different age groups within the given situation and cultural context.
To this end, the Partner shall:
- allocate funds according to needs assessments and promote the common objective of responding globally to humanitarian needs;
- promote the participation of beneficiaries in the establishment, implementation and evaluation of actions;
- endeavour to base actions on local capacities, respecting the culture, the structure and the customs of the communities and of the countries where actions are carried out, without prejudice to the fundamental rights of the beneficiaries concerned;
- ensure 'zero tolerance' for sexual exploitation and abuse, through effective and coordinated prevention, reporting and response mechanisms, in line with the essence of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s Six Core Principles Relating to SEA;
- endeavour to promote in the design and implementation of the Action the linkage between relief, rehabilitation and development, in order to help the affected populations regain a minimum level of self-sufficiency, whenever possible taking long term development objectives into account and building resilience;
- contribute to the strengthening of capacities of affected communities, in order to prevent, prepare for, reduce and respond to future humanitarian crises; and
- provide fair working conditions for humanitarian workers, volunteers or salaried, with special attention to their safety in the field and, to the extent possible, to their professional development.
e) The Partner shall also ensure:
procurement procedures which comply with the Principles and Procedures applicable to Procurement Contracts awarded within the framework of Humanitarian Aid Actions financed by the European Union
an effective and efficient internal control system for the management of actions which includes the respect of ethical and humanitarian values, effective segregation of duties and appropriate risk management mechanisms, identifying risks and appropriate risk responses;
an accurate, complete and timely accounting system; and
the availability in due time of all relevant information for a proper and timely management of actions, as well as for a sufficiently detailed audit trail.